Individual Leadership Assessment and Reflection
Order Description
1) Individual Leadership Assessment and Reflection
(Who I am as a leader)
o What: Using the Skills Inventory (in Northouse) as a jumping off point, write a 3 – 4 page reflection paper that clearly describes your strengths and challenges as a leader, and where you would like to improve. Also, present a brief description of your previous experience and possibilities for future leadership development.
o Why: Doing this assignment helps you to understand and apply leadership concepts by identifying your own strengths and the areas deserving of improvement. It enables to establish a benchmark of where you are and establish goals of where you would like to be.
o How: Complete the readings, videos, and instructor lectures for week 1. Next, answer all questions and score the Skills Inventory in Northouse. Consider what the scores mean to you in connection with clarifying your thoughts about your present leadership strengths, limitations and opportunities for improvement. Write a paper that captures your opinions /conclusions informed by the results of the Skills Inventory that describes your strengths, challenges and opportunities for leadership improvement.
This is for leadership class, please focus on the requirment and I don’t need the references or if you can use Northouse, Peter G., (2013) Theory and Practice, 6th Ed., Sage Publications, ISBN 978- 1-4522-0340-9 (pbk) as a source.